
Check It NOLA Speaks On Their Current Public Health Study In New Orleans (Interview)

Check It, a New Orleans program by researchers at Tulane University School of Public Health is funded by a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, aiming to test and treat straight black men ages 15 to 24 for chlamydia and gonorrhea. 

We had the chance to sit down with Check It NOLA to gain more insight into their mission and the work that they have done in the community. The Check It team, coordinated by Gérard Gomes, goes to spaces around New Orleans that would attract that age group— like snowball stands, eateries, barbershops, and universities— and asks young black men to enroll in the study.  During the interview, Gerod Gomes and Glenis Scott spoke on the health problems we face as a community and a few solutions that Check It has been working toward.

Check out the interview below and visit Check It NOLA for information on enrollment into their study!

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